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Keynote Speakers

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Kumi Kato

Dr. Kumi Kato (PhD, Queensland, MEd, Griffith, BA, Tohoku) is a professor at the Faculty of Tourism/Graduate School of Tourism, Wakayama University, and a special appointed professor at Musashino University, Japan. She also has a visiting professorship at Asian Institute of Tourism, University of the Philippines, and advisory role at organizations including the Sustainable Tourism Promotion Center, APTEC (UNWTO Japan), Osaka University and Global Himalayan Expeditions India. She currently teaches sustainability & tourism, with a particular focus on community identity, empowerment and resilience. Before returning to Japan in 2008, she taught 24 years in Australia, in environmental studies, intercultural communication as well as professional development for teachers and business.


Kumi is currently leading a national project to develop a sustainable tourism standard Japan Sustainable Tourism Standard for Destinations (JSTS-D), a GSTC-D based standard developed during 2019, and being implemented nationally during 2020. She also served as a site auditor for the WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Award. Kumi is a passionate advocate for sustainability in community development, education and research, working with a wide range of stakeholders, and initiating practical and often creative projects (eg documentary, performances and public installations). Kato, K. (2019). Gender and Sustainability – exploring ways of knowing: an ecohumanities perspective, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2019.1614189; Kato, K. (2017). Debating sustainability in Tourism Development: Resilience, Traditional Knowledge and Community: A Post-disaster Perspective, Tourism Planning & Development, DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2017.1312508; Kato, K. (2015). Australia’s whaling discourse: global norm, green consciousness and identity, Journal of Australian Studies, Vol. 39 (4), 477-493 (John Barrett Award for Best Paper); Kato, K. (2013). As Fukushima unfolds: Media meltdown and public empowerment. In Lester, L., & Hutchins, B. Environmental Conflicts and the Media. Peter Lang.

Adam Doering
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Adam Doering is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Tourism at Wakayama University in Japan. A graduate of the University of Otago (2013), he has published broadly on tourism, sustainable transportation, lifestyle sports, and coastal development in the context of Japan. A theoretical thread weaving through all of this work is the concept of relationality. Inspired by the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy, he approaches relationality not as a comfortable enclosure into pre-existing groups, self, or body, but as a shared exposure to one another other and the non-human world. Writing with Nancy, he engages a number of important issues for critical tourism scholarship to consider by offering a reinterpretation of freedom and belonging (Doering, 2016), praxis and worldmaking (Doering & Zhang, 2018), the experience of—not recovery from—a virus intrusion (Munar & Doering, 2020), and communication as diffraction and difference rather than consensus or coming together (Zhang & Doering, 2022).


Adam is co-editor of Socialising Tourism: Rethinking Tourism for Social and Ecological Justice (with Higgins-Desbiolles & Chew Bigby, 2022), a text that directly confronts the unjust social relations of tourism in effort to position the social and ecological before profit and growth. His current research examines surf culture, tourism development and human-ocean relations within contaminated and concreted coastal ecologies of rural Japan. He is also a member of the "Rethinking Tourism Mobilities" KAKENHI research project (2021-2024) examining themes of mobility justice, ethics and politics as Japan’s tourism industry re-emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic (Primary Investigator Koji Kanda, Ritsumeikan University). Adam helped co-found the CTS-Asia Pacific (CTS-AP) Research Network as a Steering Committee Member for the CTS-AP inaugural conference held in Yogyakarta in 2018 and as the Chair of the Local Organising Committee for the CTS-AP 2020 held at Wakayama University, Japan.

Emily Höckert is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lapland, Finland. Her research examines and cultivates relational ways of being, imagining, knowing, and acting in tourism settings. She approaches the questions of hospitality and ethics of care at the crossroads of hermeneutic phenomenology, postcolonial philosophy, and feminist new materialism, asking, for instance, how human and non-human actors welcome and take care of each other. Emily is a member of the research project “Envisioning proximity tourism with new materialism” (Academy of Finland, 2019–2023; and the “Intra-living in the Anthropocene” research network. Here the idea of proximity is based on mutual care between humans and other earthly creatures, which offers an alternative mode of inquiry to current quantitative macro-level discussions of the Anthropocene. 

Emily is the author of ‘Negotiating Hospitality’ (Routledge, 2018) and co-author of ‘Disruptive Tourism and its Untidy Guests’ (with Veijola, Molz, Pyyhtinen & Grit, Palgrave McMillan, 2014). With ARCTISEN project team, she has explored the questions of ‘Cultural sensitivity: Engaging difference in tourism’ (with Viken & Grimwood, 2021) and developed toolkits and online courses for enhancing sensitive orientation to otherness. Her current research is driven by a curiosity of how tourism can simultaneously mitigate the environmental crisis and adapt to the unpredictable changes ahead. Reflections on these issues can be found, for instance, in ‘On Scientific Fabulation’ (2020); ‘The Hotel Anthropocene’ (with Gren, 2021) and ‘Sensitive communication with proximate messmates’ (with Rantala & Jóhannesson, 2022).

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Emily Höckert

Bryan Grimwood is Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Trained as a human geographer and engaged scholar, Bryan’s research focuses on tourism and settler colonialism, tourism ethics and responsibility, northern landscapes, and outdoor learning. His research is informed theoretically by relational perspectives of nature and morality, and draws on diverse modes of qualitative inquiry and principles of community-based and participatory research. Bryan is co-editor of New Moral Natures in Tourism (Routledge) and Tourism and Wellness: Travel for the Good of All (Lexington), as well as several special journal issues, including ones on tourism moralities and mobilities (Tourist Studies) and care ethics in tourism education (Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism). Bryan sits on the editorial boards of Tourism Geographies, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Ecotourism, and Tourism Cases,and co-chairs the North American chapter of the Critical Tourism Studies network.

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Bryan Grimwood

Plenary sessions speakers

Intergenerational Dialogue
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Dominic Lapointe is full professor in the Department of Urban and Tourism Studies at Université du Québec à Montréal. Trained in regional development at the Université du Québec à Rimouski (Ph.D. 2011). He holds the Chaire de recherche sur les dynamiques touristiques et les relations socioterritoriales, is directing Téoros, the oldest French language tourism studies journal while acting as the leader of the Groupe de recherche et d’intervention tourisme territoire et société (GRITTS) at UQAM. 

He was the host of the 3rd critical tourism studies North America (Online!) His work explores the production of tourism space, its role in the capitalist system expansion and its biopolitical dimensions.




Amira Benali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University in Denmark. Her PhD entitled "Poverty business: the case of the volunteer tourism market, an ethnographic study in a Nepalese orphanage" is obtained from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Amira's work relates to gender, social justice, poverty and alternative economies in the intersection of management, Tourism studies, and socio-anthropology. Her current project focuses on marginalised women's experiences in Tunisia in the context of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Sustainable Tourism.

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Claudia Dolezal (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Tourism at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Austria. Her background is in tourism, international development and social anthropology with research conducted in Southeast Asia, Latin America, London and Austria. Her research focuses on regional, rural and sustainable tourism development, specifically on community-based tourism and the role that tourism plays in the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, social change and residents’ empowerment. She is regularly engaged in capacity building programmes and courses, such as for the UNWTO in Mexico, and delivers international keynotes and guest lectures. Claudia has co-edited the Routledge book Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia (2020) as well as the forthcoming Handbook of Niche Tourism (2022). She has led various special issues for journals, while also acting as editorial board member of the Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) and Tourism Planning and Development.

Annette Pritchard


Annette Pritchard is Professor of Tourism Management at Leeds Beckett University. She has a professional background in tourism and sport development, research and strategy and marketing at Sport Wales and the Wales Tourist Board. She has held senior academic posts and professorial titles in universities in the UK and Europe and was formerly Director of Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Welsh Centre for Tourism Research (2000-2017). She has written extensively on marketing and management in tourism and on tourism and equality, supervised 20 PhD students and examined almost 50 others. Annette is a Co-Founder of the Critical Tourism Studies Network and Conference Series and Founding Member of the International Place Branding Association. She has delivered over 30 major research and consultancy projects for organisations including UNESCO, the BBC, and Visit Wales and is currently leading a British Academy-funded project evaluating the tourism impacts of energy projects.

Greening Tourism: Attraction or Destruction?

A panel of tourism experts of the Balearic Islands providing their critical perspectives on the Menorca Biosphere Reserve and tourism sustainability

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Natividad Juaneda Sampol


Catalina N. Juaneda Sampol  is PhD in Economics by the University of Barcelona. From 1993 she is chair professor of Applied Economics at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). She has been Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Head of the Department of Applied Economics and  Vice-Rector of International Relations and Cooperation. She has been the Director of the Master and PhD program in Tourism and Environmental Economics and director of Melia Hotels International Chair. Her field of teaching and research is in quantitative analysis of tourism, Econometrics and Tourism Economics. He has published in international journals in the field of tourism economic and management (focusing in repeat tourism and expenditure determinants, destination choice models and All-Inclusive travel mode decisions) and in the field of tourism education (major choice models and students attitudes towards Statistics).

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Bartolomé Deyà


Bartolome Deya Tortella, is an associate professor in the Department of Business and Economics at the University of The Balearic Islands. PhD in Economics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid(Spain). He has published several research papers in international impact journals like Water Resources Research, Water, Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Management, Advances in Accounting, Management Research, The European Accounting Review, among others. Has participated in 12 national and international research projects in competitive calls. Has held different academic positions such as Full Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, director of Melia Hotels International Chair, deputy director of the Department of Business Economics. Actually, he is the vicedean of the Faculty of Tourism. Has received several recognitions and prize, like the "Human Resources Research Prize - Financial Studies Center"  (Spain).

Other speakers of this panel will be announced soon

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Cati Torres


Cati Torres is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics of the UIB, secretary of the Interdisciplinary Lab on Climate Change of the UIB (LINCC UIB) since its creation in December 2017, and member of the Board of Directors of the state Association for Critical Economics. With a European PhD in Environmental Economics, she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses both nationally and internationally. Initially her research focused on the economic valuation of the environment and Cost-Benefit Analysis in the context of marine and coastal ecosystems and, in this framework, she carried out several research stays at the University of Stirling and St. Andrews (Scotland), where she worked on projects funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology of Scotland, participated in research projects and conferences at European, national and regional level, and published articles in specialized journals. Her concern for the scarce incidence that studies on the economic valuation of the environment have on the protection of nature, given that the number of these studies is growing in parallel with the planetary ecological degradation, led her to initiate, in recent years, a line of research on the critical analysis of environmental economics and to introduce herself into the study of disciplines that, from broader approaches, also analyse the relationship between nature and the economy as well as the causes of environmental degradation and the mechanisms necessary to tackle it, such as ecological, institutional and ecofeminist economics. In this context, she also devotes research efforts to analysing the role of the socio-economic metabolism of industrial civilisation in the current socioecological crisis.

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Pau Obrador


Pau Obrador is a senior lecturer in Tourism and Events Management at Northumbria University, in the United Kingdom. Pau’s research interests lie at the intersection of tourism, place, culture, body and management. His most recognised contributions develop critical thinking on dwelling-in-mobilities and embodiment in tourism. He has also published on family tourism, the haptic sensualities of the beach, nudity, tourist arts, mass tourism, cultural festivals and critical hospitality. Most of his research draws on his knowledge of the island of Menorca, where he is originally from.


Miquel Camps


Miquel Camps is the coordinator for territorial policy of GOB Menorca (GOB (Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa is a non profit making ecological association). He is member of the Technical Advisory Commission for Planning, Council of Menorca, and of the Advisory Comission for Land Conservation of the Biodiversity Foundation, Ministry of Ecological Transition. 

Miquel Camps is the Vice-president of the network for Land Conservation of the Balearics and member of the network and organizations of Land Conservation of Spain.


Irene Estaún


Irene holds a MSc in Environmental Sciences from the University Autonoma of Barcelona. Most of her professional life has been devoted to the management of environmental European projects for the Insular Council of Menorca (2000-2014). Since 2015, Irene is the Director of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency.

Conference Discussants

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Albert Kimbu

Dr. Albert N. Kimbu is the Head of Tourism and Transport Department and a Reader in Hospitality and Tourism in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. He is also the co-founder of the Gender, Entrepreneurship and Social Policy Institute (GESPi) and a Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. He holds a PhD in Tourism from Nottingham Trent University and joined the University of Surrey in 2010. Dr Kimbu is a leading researcher on development entrepreneurship, gender and inclusive development through tourism. In addition to editing books on hospitality and tourism policy, management and practice in Africa, he has been awarded grants by the British Academy, Newton Fund, Research England’s GCRF and UNWTO among others, to undertake research on these topics, the results of which have been published in leading hospitality, tourism and management journals including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and Journal of Small Business Management, and as top level industry reports.  His expertise is regularly sought by the UNWTO as a consultant and speaker on issues related to gender, entrepreneurship, and inclusive growth through tourism.

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Carol Kline

Carol Kline is a Professor and the Director of the Hospitality and Tourism Management program at Appalachian State University. Her teaching and research interests have historically focused broadly on tourism sustainability, including topics such as foodie segmentation, craft beverages, agritourism, tourism entrepreneurship, and tourism in developing economies. However, she now gears her research solely on animals and she teaches a course called Animals, Tourism, & Sustainability. She is part of the Race, Ethnicity, and Social Equity in Tourism (RESET) initiative, which includes animals within the study of social equity.  She is founder of Fanimal Inc., a non-profit that helps individuals find animal-focused careers.


Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta

Dr Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta is the Course Coordinator for Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Tourism, Environmental & Cultural Heritage, and a Lecturer in Tourism and Society at the School of Social Sciences in the College of Arts, Law and Education, University of Tasmania, Australia. He obtained his PhD in Tourism from the University of Tasmania, a Bachelor of Science (European Studies) from the University of Southern Denmark and a Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism and Hospitality Management) from Vilnius University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania). Oscar’s primary area of expertise is LGBTQI+ tourism, events, hospitality, and leisure. In 2021, he published an edited book titled Gay Tourism: New Perspectives. His key research interests are niche tourism; Antarctic tourism; tourism in the digital world; extending ethnographic and qualitative research methods into tourism research; social impacts of tourism; and technology-enhanced tourism experiences. Oscar is a Board Director of Visit Northern Tasmania and a Board Member of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS).

Organizers and Sponsors

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©2021 by Ana María Munar

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